I spent all of June 2011 taking photos of the old Maltese buses before they left the roads. I wanted to capture what I loved about them, fearing that they would be lost forever.
Wait Until The Bus Stops, out today on Kotba Calleja, portrays the last days on the road of these unique vehicles, each a testament to their voyage before coming to the end of the road.

This book’s journey from inception to print has been a long one. From an initial pool of over 5,000 photos, editor Glen Calleja and myself whittled down the selection to fit under 134 pages, interspersed with fragments of life writing in different forms. I think it’s resulted in a strong book, not least thanks to the expert design of Marco Scerri, who made this book his own.

Wait Until the Bus Stops is available at the following outlets:
il-lokal.com (ships internationally)
Brick and mortar
Valletta Contemporary